Hluav Taws Xob Hluav Taws Xob Dawb Ultrasonic Cov Neeg Laus Siv Lub Tshuab Txhuam Txhuam Hniav thiab Txhuam Txhuam EB510

Cov lus piav qhia luv luv:

Acoustic kev co huv si thev naus laus zis: Kev txhuam hniav Sonic ib puag ncig ntawm 31000-37500 strokes / feeb yuav pab tshem tawm ntau tshaj li 150% cov quav hniav ntau dua li cov ntaub ntawv txhuam hniav zoo li qub, tseem, tus txhuam hniav sonic tuaj yeem pab tiv thaiv kom tsis txhob muaj pos hniav.

Khoom Nthuav dav

Cov khoom lag luam

Khoom Qhia:


Cov khoom siv ABS, PC
Lub Hwj Chim Lub Zog 2W, USB Them Nyiaj
Roj Teeb Hom DC 3.7V, 1200mAh Lithium Roj Teeb
Watterproof IPX7
Khoom Loj 29 * 244mm
Nyhav Nyhav 115g


1.Magnetic Levitation Lub Cev Muaj Zog.
2.High Zoo Dupont Nylon 612 bristle.
3.5 ua hauj lwm hom (Huv, Dawb, Polish, me, rhiab) +3 Intensites tuaj yeem xaiv los ntxuav tu hniav.
4.2 feeb timer thiab 30 vib nas this ncua sijhawm ceeb toom
5.Vibration 31000-37500 strokes / min
6.50 hnub runtime ntawm roj teeb tom qab 10-12 teev them nyiaj.
7.Unique tswj kev tsim qauv los ntawm peb tus kheej, phim lub cev muaj zog thiab txuag lub zog.

Dab tsi yog vim li cas cia koj xaiv qhov txhuam hniav fais sonic?

1.Acoustic kev co huv si thev naus laus zis: Kev txhuam hniav Sonic ib puag ncig ntawm 31000-37500 strokes / feeb yuav pab tshem tawm ntau tshaj li 150% cov quav hniav ntau dua li cov ntaub ntawv txhuam hniav zoo li qub, tseem, tus txhuam hniav sonic tuaj yeem pab tiv thaiv kom cov pos hniav tsis zoo.
2.One lub pob tseem ceeb los tswj kev ua haujlwm thiab lub zog, xaiv cov qauv tsim nyog los ntxuav txhuam hniav: Muaj 5 hom tuaj yeem siv raws li koj qhov xav tau tiag tiag ntawm cov hniav, thiab muaj 3 Intensites kom phim rau Cov Mos, Txaus Ntsig thiab Strenth.
3.Easy kom rov qab roj teeb: Wireless advanced charging method yog yooj yim dua, zam thiab muaj kev nyab xeeb, yog tias koj siv tus txhuam hniav ib zaug thiab sab hauv 2 feeb, tom qab them 10 teev, lub sijhawm ua haujlwm ntawm lub roj teeb yuav nyob ib ncig ntawm 50 hnub.
4.Waterproof: IPX7 waterproof yuav zoo rau koj thiab txhuam hniav, nws tsis muaj lus nug txawm tias koj siv tus txhuam hniav thaum koj da dej lossis ntxuav nws hauv dej.

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Electronic Hand Free Ultrasonic Adult Automatic Toothbrush and Brush Heads EB510 (7)

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Electronic Hand Free Ultrasonic Adult Automatic Toothbrush and Brush Heads EB510 (4)

Electronic Hand Free Ultrasonic Adult Automatic Toothbrush and Brush Heads EB510 (5)

  • Yav dhau los:
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  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa rau peb